One of the most common questions I get when I meet new clients, is how can they make their website stand out from the rest? How can they attract a visitor? How can I become a millionaire?
Answer: Content Marketing. To be more specific – blogs and articles.
Writing isn’t the most exciting thing for most people, particularly if you’re a business owner. However, producing high-quality content is a phenomenal marketing tool to differentiate and stand out from your competitors or larger corporations.
Still not convinced? Well, here are some of the benefits of blogging for your business:
1. Drive traffic and inbound links to your website
Google loves content, especially frequently updated content, and if you want to get people to your site, it’s important to provide content that people want to see. What does that mean? Think of it like social media, every day, week, month there is a new trending topic, there’s a new pop culture meme, political and economical fluctuations.
Although not everything trending may have a clear connection to your business, it’s important to stay relevant and current. For example, The Reserve Bank of Australia recently announced an increase in interest rates, there have been frequent news cycles about predicted postage and shipping issues as the holiday season begins.
Maybe both you and your entire business model are based locally, however, this would be a great opportunity to write an article about the financial health and volatility of your particular industry and how because of XYZ your business and supply chain will not be affected.
Now, ask yourself this – how many pages do you have for your products and services on your website? Probably not a lot.
But writing a blog can add new and relevant content virtually every day. Every additional page of content you put out is another new entry point/landing page for your website.
2. Educate your customers and establish your business as an expert or market leader
If your business is not in the business of Instagram or Tik Tok, I would make an educated guess that your customers and potential customers will be seeking information and credibility.
During this prospecting stage (strangers and visitors), they’re wanting to know more about yout knowledge of your products and services, your place in the market and your industry. This is a chance for you to educate your customer, about your industry, your products and how they can solve a problem they didn’t even know they had.
Having these blogs and article pieces will not only help these prospects enter the sales funnel but see you as an expert and builds a trusting relationship.
“Establishing authority” is not a vanity metric as concrete as traffic and leads, but it’s pretty powerful stuff. Do not neglect the power an in-depth, well written post clearing up a confused cuistomer’s question holds. Usually, once you’ve helped someone they tend to come back to you and usually bring their friends too.
3. Great for SEO and your page ranking on Google
Yes, I know you’re probably sick of me bringing up SEO. But SEO. SEO is going to get you to the first page on Google, SEO is going to be the reason why your visitor will pick you instead of your competitors.
When writing a blog post for your website, Google will send more traffic to your business and website versus on any other platform i.e LinkedIn, Instagram, or Youtube.
BUT – only if you’re using proper SEO practices and the content is high value. How does Google know if your article gets a front page A+ or a just passing C grade on page 10? Well, Google calculates the value of a blog article by measuring how many other websites are linking to the article’s page. The more pages that link to an article, the higher its PageRank and thus the higher google deems it in search rankings.
So what are you waiting for? Not a writer? That’s alright that’s why marketing agencies exist! So why not contact your local, friendly marketing agency today and get blogging!
About the Author:
Amy Miocevich is an Australian author of Very Good Marketing, director of her company Lumos Marketing and a mum. Amy has a plethora of business knowledge and experience helping individuals across all industries over her professional career. She has a deep and innate passion to help small businesses achieve their Big Hairy Audacious Goals, whatever they may be. When Amy isn’t busy working or waking up at 5 am to run, she is probably eating ramen or wanting to eat ramen. Say hi to Amy at amy@lumosmarketing.com.au.