Women in Business Lunch (RESCHEDULED)

Matilda Bay Restaurant 3 Hackett Drive, Crawley, WA

Join us for a brilliant event celebrating Women in Business, hear from our keynote speaker Marnie LeFevre, this event is generously sponsored by Mareena Purslowe and Associates


WSBA 2020 Digital Marketing


Join WSBA member Ed Keay-Smith. Ed has 17 years experience in the digital marketing space and is the founder of Online Impact. Ed’s session will be interactive and aimed at helping you with any of your online marketing challenges.

Ask an expert ~ Your lease & protections under the Covid-19 response laws


In our continuing series of short, snappy and informative Ask an expert zoom events, we are joined by not one, but two of the finest Cullen Macleod Lawyers, with the opportunity for Q & A at the end of the presentation. Anton Conti Head of Practice, Property & Franchising and Susan Nicholson Head of Practice, Liquor Licensing. This event will be of particular interest to tenants of commercial and retail premises as well as landlords (and advisors of tenants and landlords).
